War of the Worlds, End of Year Events, and other WSRF News!

“War of the Worlds”

presented by the Class of 2020

On Wednesday and Friday of next week, the 8th grade class will be presenting the radio broadcast of the epic presentation of “War of the Worlds”.  Ms. An and the class had been planning a production of the crowd-pleasing and humor filled production of “You Can’t Take it With You”. 

With the rise of the pandemic, Ms. An and the class were forced to reexamine their choice and with physical distancing in mind, chose another classic piece written and produced by H. G. Wells. The piece was presented on a broadcast in 1938 coinciding with the origins of WWII. In his lifetime, he had lived through the reconstruction period, the industrial revolution, WWI, the Spanish Flu epidemic and the crash of Wall Street. His life was filled with epic moments. He has written about much of it including the title of this presentation which turned out to be the piece of science fiction that he is most remembered for.

On the evening of October 30th, 1938, well known American actor, Orson Welles, who was famous for his radio work, wowed radio listeners with a startling “report” of mysterious creatures and terrifying war machines moving toward New York City. It was not a real news bulletin and unfortunately this was lost among many of 750,000 listeners that evening.  Anxious phone calls to the police, newspaper offices and radio stations convinced many journalists that the show was real. By the next morning, newspapers from coast to coast headlined the mass panic that had ensued. Fortunately, it was realized quickly the next morning that all was not true, and that this was a simple conversion of H.G. Wells great work of some forty years later and fictional in its entirety.

Although the work is fictional, it has depth, reality and as a science fiction piece, is dramatic and can be scary for young listeners. We recommend this production for 4th grade and up only, as it has content that could be worrisome to young listeners. 

Otherwise, we hope that you enjoy this production that came about through the flexibility and grit of our 8th grade class.

Administrative Council



Grade 8 Projects:


Screenwriting & Film Production

Please join Jared Andrade as he presents his 8th grade project, "Screenwriting and Film Production" on Tuesday, May 26 at 5:30 PM. 

Due to the content of his short film it is recommended for middle school and adult audience only. 

Please see the newsletter for a zoom link.

Reflections of Mr. Allen’s First Grade year

One of the most fun things about the working in the first grade is setting up the long game. There are all these little skills, surprises and truths that we build upon, all leading to culmination eight years down the road. My first grade year has been full of little hints to the children as to where we're going, sparking early wonders of who we might be as individuals in eight years, what we might be capable of as a class.

I'll spoil one such surprise for you now (and if you're a parent in my class, please keep this under your lid): At the end of each year, I'll ask the children a few questions and collect for them their answers. One of these questions will be, "What do you know?"

As a teacher, it's tempting to ask what they've learned. It's always nice to hear that something you've done with them stuck, that the effort and the preparation paid off, but that, of course, is not the point. Leaning is (or can be) constant, a process that forever shifts our perspectives.

To consider what you actually know forces you to boil the soup all the way down to the bones. What is known? What can be known? These are the essential questions that Rudolph Steiner tackled in many of his works -- perhaps most practically in "A Philosophy of Freedom" and most esoterically in "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment."

In “Philosophy of Freedom,” Steiner posits that thoughts are the spiritual matter we have the most intimate access to. When you think such a thing as “a three-sided, two-dimensional shape”, and the triangle appears in your mind, you've created in your mind a true thought, and this, he says, comes straight from the world of spirit. The triangle is a true thing, and you know it. And we know many more true things about this true thing, such as that all of its angles will equal a straight line. The straight line! That's another true thing, and, many of you know, the straight line and the curved line is the content of the first lesson on the first day of first grade in Waldorf school. This, at its core, is a large part of what makes Waldorf education a spiritual endeavor.

We're in a time that's marred by a feeling of not knowing. We don't know when this will end, we don’t know what next year will look like, how deep the impact of general anxiety will be, what the losses will be. This not knowing puts us in a terrifying and primal position. We feel separated from the spiritual world.

This not knowing, of course, has always been with us. That the past is gone and the future uncertain is a thing all of us know. We just don’t want to know it, so we ignore it, we pretend we know something else.

I feel my unrest in my soul. I miss what we had together. I miss showing up as my best self for the children, I miss them doing the same for me. I miss our collective effort to wonder at beauty, stand guard over truth, look up to the noble, resolve on the good. I know what happens when we work in community is stronger than what happens when we work alone. I know as soon as we're able to get back to it -- actually get back to what it is we do together -- I will dive in with such joy and enthusiasm, with hope so big and bright it sends sparks, and with every ounce of effort I can muster.

That's what I know at the end of my first-grade year.

Video Premiere!

A Virtual Window Into Waldorf Early Childhood Education is here and ready to share!

Live Q&A sessions taking place on May 28th

We are so excited to share our new virtual window into our early education programs. This has been a labor of love on the part of our EC faculty and we couldn't be more excited to share it with the community and beyond.

Do you know a family who might be a good fit for our school with young children? This is our chance to give new families a look into our programs as well as offer a time for questions with our faculty.

All are highly encouraged to share the video and invite all interested families to our live Q&A sessions taking place at 1pm & 8pm on May 28th.

You can find all the event details and registration here.

End of Year Instrument Return

WSRF needs all musical instruments returned to school so we can inventory, and be prepared for next year. 

Instruments can be left in the music room. The door will be open at the same times as Packet Pick up. 

Many thanks for getting those back to WSRF.

Carbondale Lift Up

Dear WSRF families,

There is no doubt Covid 19 has had a life changing impact on us all. Our school has met the challenge of this time by turning our attention inwards and finding the strength to become one of the leaders of distance learning in the Valley. We have been blessed with strength, loyalty and resilience. It seems that now is the time to turn that strength outwards to the greater Roaring Fork Valley. WSRF is hoping to lend a hand and help feed those who find themselves in need of that support.

There are a few ways to donate. First, there will be boxes on each classroom table in the Handwork room, so you can drop off donations on supply pick up days. You can also donate gift cards if that is more your speed. Finally, you can make a direct donation to Lift Up by following this link:


Suggested Non-Perishable Food Items from Lift Up's Website:


Tuna, Chicken, Chili, Soup, Fruit, Beef Stew, Vegetables,

Pasta Sauce


Beans, Nuts, Rice, Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Oatmeal, Crackers, Cereal


Peanut Butter, Sugar, Flour, Bisquick, Jelly/Jam, Boxed Juice, Energy Bars

Grocery Gift Cards

End of Year Gifting

Dearest Parents,

We know that the end of year is a time when we all love to show our appreciation for those who hold and love our children here at WSRF. Over the years, and especially during this time, it has become a challenge for some families to consider financial gifts above and beyond tuition and contributions to our Annual Fund, and we would like to address this as a school by offering the following guidelines:

In the spirit of gratitude, we will put a basket in the handwork room to receive gifts you would like to go to teachers and staff for those who find this an efficient way to offer whatever you may want to offer.

We ask that class parents refrain from asking for financial contributions from other parents, even to contribute financially towards a class gift, as we have received feedback that this does not leave all families feeling free to do as they are able or as they wish. 

Thank you for the many ways that you show gratitude every day — we are indeed very grateful for all of our parents!

Administrative Council

WSRF Year End Plan: 2019-2020 School Year

*See below for more information

May 26-29: 8th grade Celebration Week 1

1st – 7th grade will prepare gifts for the 8th grade and sew their ML books with the leadership of a Subject Teacher and Ms. Pratt. The students will also wrap up their school year with their Class Teachers.

Monday, May 25            Student packet pick up, 9 AM-1:00 PM; Memorial Day; no school

Tuesday, May 26            8th Grade project presentation by Jared Andrade @ 5:30

(6th- 8th grades only)

Wednesday, May 27  8th grade War of the Worlds Radio Presentation @ 7:30 via Zoom

(4th-8th grades only)

Thursday, May 28      “Windows into Waldorf” enrollment event @ 1:00 and 8:00 PM

Friday, May 29           *All school Friday Morning and End of Year Assembly @ 9:00 via Zoom

Friday, May 29           8th grade War of the Worlds Radio Presentation @ 11:00 AM via Zoom

(4th – 8th grades only)

We will have two days available for you to drop off and pick up this week!

Friday, May 29           Drop Off of 8th grade gifts and Pick Up, 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Sunday, May 31         Drop Off of 8th grade gifts and Pick Up, 9 AM-12:00 PM

June 1-7: 8th grade Celebration Week 2

Monday, June 1         *1st Grade-8th Grade Flower Ceremony

Tuesday, June 2         *Last Day of School with the “Grand Wave” beginning @ 10:30 AM

Monday, June 3         *Fly Away Ceremony for rising 1st graders

Sunday, June 7           *8th Welcome Parade and Graduation @ 10:00 AM

(Families of graduates and essential teachers only at the graduation)

*Important Information on Calendar Events

Friday Morning and End of Year Assembly on Zoom, Friday, May 29 @ 9:00 AM

This an all school assembly with a tribute and gratitude to the 8th graders and Ms. An, including performances of the middle school band, strings program, and more! Chris Harrison will be the Emcee for this event.

1st Grade-8th Grade Rose Ceremony, Monday, June 1

Typically, this event would be included in the year end assembly with the 1st graders giving a rose to their 8th grade buddy as a goodbye. This year each 1st grade student will deliver their rose to their 8th grade buddy guided by Mr. Allen.

“Grand Wave” (formerly known as the Final Handshake)TuesdayJune 2 @ 10:30

Keeping with tradition as much as social distancing will let us, the Faculty will gather in the school parking lot 6 feet apart. Families are invited to drive through so that goodbyes and well wishes for the summer can be offered to each other. Due to the fact that no parking is possible and to the fact that we don’t want to create a back-up on the frontage road, each class will be assigned a time to drive through. Youngest classes will arrive first. Older students are invited to drive through with their younger siblings. An additional note on this will be sent out next Friday!

Fly-Away Ceremony, Wednesday, June 3

The ceremony this year will involve the rising 1st Graders “flying away” in three small groups, thus meeting local health guidelines. Attendance will include only parents of these children and essential faculty.

8th grade graduation, Sunday, June 7th @ 10:00 AM

The ceremony will be held on the school lawn in vehicles with limited attendance by 8th grade families and essential faculty only. More information on graduation will be sent out next Friday as we hope to have as many families join us on the frontage road on Sunday morning preceding the event so that we can cheer on the class and Ms. An as they parade to the school grounds for the ceremony.

Traditions that cannot be held now but will be scheduled for the near future:

Field-Day Games

We plan to invite our current 8th grade to participate in these games at our Michaelmas celebration on September 25, 2020.

Faculty Kickball and Pizza

Our plan is to arrange this laughter-filled event in August prior to the 2020-21 school year start with health guidelines permitting.

Grades Classroom Move Week

Given the health standards this year, the faculty will work together to make the move occur without the students. Students will have picked up any last remaining items from school on Monday, May 25, Friday, May 29 or Sunday May 31.

Liesl Bellack