Research has shown that parental involvement in the education experience is a strong predictor of a child’s overall success. The Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork offers parents a variety of meaningful opportunities to make a real difference in their child’s education, including volunteering to help with class activities and performances, going on field trips and more.
There are also annual, community-wide volunteer expectations for families to support school-wide festivals and fund raising events. Gifts of time and talent are just as important as financial support when it comes to making everything at WSRF possible. Each year, thousands of volunteer hours are logged by WSRF parents. Without the gifts of parents’ time, energy and expertise, our vibrant and connected school community could not exist. Thank you, to each and every one of you.
How to Get Involved & Plan Ahead….
Each year, all families are asked to support the following community-wide efforts….
Annual Full Community Fundraising Efforts
Each year, the WSRF community must collectively raise funds to bridge the gap between annual tuition revenue and operating expenses. As a registered non-profit organization, the community-wide effort has two important seasonal pushes:
The Annual Fund kicks off each fall and is the biggest community-wide effort! Donations of any and all sizes are encouraged to meet an annual goal. Visit the page here to donate today and learn more.
The Spring Fundraising Event is the final hurray of the school year and the only fundraising event with an adult-only gala night, auction & more! Visit the page here for more details and parents are invited to join the planning committee below, scroll down!
The first Saturday of December, our entire community gathers for a celebration of the winter season! An open festival for the entire valley community and a fundraiser for WSRF.
The magical event is made possible by each current family signing up for (at least) one short volunteer shift to support elements including crafts, food, parking etc on the day of the event or on the Friday afternoon before.
The first Saturday in May, our community comes together to celebrate the return of the warmth and the Spring season! Open to all the valley community, a by-donation fundraising event.
The day is made possible by each current family volunteering for (at least) one short volunteer shift either during the day or on the Friday before the event.
Your child’s individual classes will have unique volunteer needs during the school year….
Early Childhood
Toddler, PreK and Kinder classrooms often need help with weekly flowers, classroom laundry and more. Please contact your child’s teacher with questions. Watch class specific newsletters from your teachers for details on how to support your child’s individual class.
Grades 1st to 5th
Class Plays: Each year, grades completes a class play production. Parents help with costumes, sets and more, check in with teacher!
Class Trips: During the year, shorter trips arise and a full trip week in May rely on parent help with chaperoning and more!
Honey Bee Cafe: the first Friday of the month, a different class hosts treats and coffee in the sunroom. Teacher will share one-time-a year date.
Grade specific events: Some grades have specific responsibilities each year such as Santa Lucia in 2nd Grade, check in with your teachers for more details around these events.
Grades 6th to 8th
Medieval Games: Call upon collective community effort for a special event in May that hosts our 6th grade class and visiting schools. Check in now with Julianna Lichatz to learn more and start supporting this event.
Class Plays: Increasingly complex play productions need support with costumes, sets and more!
Honey Bee Cafe: the first Friday of the month, a different class hosts treats and coffee in the sunroom. Teacher will share one-time-a year date.
* Please contact your student’s class teacher with questions on how you can be more involved with your student’s individual class at WSRF! *
Ready to go above & beyond to support the WSRF community? Please choose one or more of the following opportunities to get more involved….
Michaelmas Festival
This celebration of the Fall season and the courage we carry into the winter’s darkness includes a community feast with soup & bread. Parents are invited to sign up to support this effort.
Support Fundraising Efforts
Annual Fund Class Captain: (Sept-Dec): Support a critical WSRF fundraising effort and directly impact the execution & success of the Annual Fund Campaign.
Spring Gala Committee: (Jan-May): help plan & execute WSRF’s annual fundraising event!
Parent Council
A school year-long opportunity to support multiple community elements including parent events, teacher recognition such as teacher appreciation week in May and other community needs all year long.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is always looking for new members. Board work includes a number of important committee including finance committee. If you have expertise in realms you would like to bring to the school community, please reach out. For more information about volunteer work in this area, please reach out for more information!
Parent Teacher Conference Meals
This is an opportunity to help nourish teachers with meals during Parent-Teacher conference days in the Fall (Oct) & Spring (March).
Other questions about volunteering, donating or how to get more involved at WSRF?
Please send a direct email here to our Community Development Administrator!
“The healthy social life is found, when in the mirror of each human soul, the whole community finds its reflection and when in community the virtue of each one is living.”